Maximising Your Home’s Resilience with Standby Generators and Solar Batteries

December 9, 2022

Maximising Your Home’s Resilience with Standby Generators and Solar Batteries

Power outages can be unpredictable, but having a reliable source of backup power can help give you peace of mind when an outage does occur. Standby generators and solar batteries are two popular solutions to achieve this, but how do you know which is best for your home? In this blog post, we will explain what standby generators are, discuss the different types available, compare them with solar batteries as a backup power source, and explore how you can maximise your home’s resilience against power outages by installing both systems.

What Are Standby Generators?

Standby generators are large generators designed to back up an entire home for extended periods of time, providing a reliable power source in the event of an outage or emergency situation. They come in several sizes depending on your energy needs and budget and can run on different types of fossil fuels such as natural gas, gasoline, diesel or propane.

Solar Panels and Generators: Why They Can't Operate Parallelly

Solar panels cannot operate parallel to generators; if they did , it would cause damage to one or both systems . This is because they have different output voltages - solar panels produce direct current (DC) while generators produce alternating current (AC). Therefore, it is important to install them separately so that each system functions correctly without interfering with each other.

Solar Batteries vs Standby Generators 

 Solar batteries act as a buffer between your main energy supply and the grid , allowing you to store excess electricity generated by solar panels during peak hours . This stored energy can then be used during times of low production from the sun , such as at night . While standby generators provide more reliable power during an outage , solar batteries offer more efficient long-term energy storage capabilities. The downside is that they require frequent maintenance since their capacity decreases over time due to battery degradation. Additionally , they are more expensive upfront than traditional generator options. 


Maximise Your Home's Resilience Against Power Outages - Installing Both Systems

Despite their differences , both standby generators and solar batteries offer reliable backup power sources when needed most . To maximise your home’s resilience against power outages , consider installing both systems together – draw on the standby generator during emergencies while relying on your solar battery for daily use. Adding these two components together can create a comprehensive solution that will keep your family safe no matter what comes your way!

Standby Generators for backup power

Standby generators are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners who need reliable back-up power during unexpected power outages. Installing a standby generator allows a homeowner to rest assured that their home and all its appliances will continue to run even if the local electric utility fails. Standby generators provide a safe and dependable source of electricity day or night, regardless of the weather or time of year.

Automatic transfer switch when a power outage is detected

Murray Bridge Off grid & Solar offers generators with an automatic transfer switch, or ATS, to ensure you have the power you need, no matter what. When the ATS detects a power outage it automatically switches your home over to the generator, never leaving you in the dark. We offer various sizes and capacities so that they can perfectly match customers’ needs. With our generator ATS system, you’ll always be fully prepared for any power outages that come your way!

The importance of having a proper setup

Solar energy is an increasingly sought-after source of renewable energy, but some people don't realise that it has its limitations as well. For instance, solar panels that are set up to operate in parallel with a traditional generator can cause considerable damage to both systems. This is because when electricity flows towards the generator from the solar panel, there is a greater voltage than the generator was designed to handle, resulting in potential overload and breakdown if not configured correctly. Fortunately, with the right setup and reliable operation, the two systems can be connected safely by using an inverter as part of the installation process. In this way, both solar and generator power can be used simultaneously without any risk of damaging either system.


When preparing for unexpected power outages, it's important to choose the right backup power source for your home. Standby generators provide more reliable power during an outage while solar batteries offer more efficient long-term energy storage capabilities. To maximise your home’s resilience against any potential future disruption in service, consider adding both systems together – draw on the standby generator during emergencies while relying on your solar battery for daily use. With these two components working together as one comprehensive solution, you can rest assured knowing that you have everything covered!

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