Adding Solar Batteries To An Existing Solar System

December 9, 2022

Are you thinking about adding Solar Batteries to your existing Solar System?

As the popularity of solar power continues to rise, more and more homeowners are considering adding solar batteries to their existing solar power systems. After all, what better way to maximise energy savings than to store the sun’s energy for future use? But before making this important decision, it’s important for homeowners to understand what solar batteries are and how they can benefit them. Let’s take a look at the benefits of solar batteries and how to add them to an existing system.

Benefits of Solar Batteries

One of the main benefits of having a battery bank is that it allows you to utilise more of your solar power generation throughout the day. This means that instead of losing out on any excess electricity generated during peak hours, you can now store it in your battery bank for future use. Additionally, with a battery bank in place, you have backup power in case there is ever an outage or blackout. In addition, over time you will likely see greater energy savings due to the ability to store excess electricity rather than sending it back into the grid. Finally, having a battery bank can provide a reliable alternative source of electricity during peak demand times or when utility rates are high.

How To Add A Battery Bank To An Existing Solar System

When considering adding a battery bank to an existing system, one must take into account the type of inverter needed (standard or hybrid). One must also consider their motivation behind investing in a battery bank – cost/benefit analysis, environmental considerations etc., as well as determining what size current solar system they have and what additional components may be necessary for compatibility with a battery bank. It is always best to speak to your solar specialist to help you decide what is best for your solar system.

Common Questions & Concerns About Adding Solar Batteries To A Home System

Cost is always one of the major questions when considering any investment decisions – and adding a battery bank is no different. Homeowners should consider whether investing in a battery bank will be worth it in the long run? Additionally, maintenance requirements should also be taken into account when deciding if investing in a battery bank is right for them; will they need regular servicing or maintenance? Finally, homeowners should consider how adding a battery bank might impact any existing warranties they have on their solar panels or other components associated with their system.

Making the investment

The trend towards making renewable energy accessible to all is growing, and one significant shift in this direction is the increasing affordability and availability of solar batteries. Homeowners are taking note and investing in battery storage for their existing solar power systems - a win-win for the environment and their wallets. By storing the energy their solar panels produce during the day, homeowners can use it again at night or on less sunny days, reducing their reliance on the electric grid while taking advantage of solar energy rates. Investing in battery storage is a smart choice that pays off both short-term and long-term, providing homeowners with an environmentally friendly solution to save money on electricity bills while guaranteeing an uninterrupted supply of green energy.

Reliable and Efficient Solar Power

Solar batteries have revolutionised the way we think about solar power. Using solar batteries to store energy harnessed from the sun's rays offers homeowners multiple advantages. With solar batteries, more of your home's generated solar energy can be utilised, while also providing backup power in case of outages and greater energy savings overall - giving you peace of mind that your solar power will be reliable and efficient. In other words, investing in solar batteries is a win-win situation that you won't regret!


Homeowners who already have an existing solar system should definitely consider installing solar batteries so that they can get even more benefit out of their investment by being able to store excess energy generated during peak hours for later use. By understanding both the benefits and considerations associated with adding a battery bank—such as cost/benefit analysis, maintenance requirements and warranty implications—homeowners will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not this upgrade makes sense for them financially and environmentally speaking.

Contact us on (08) 75234322 to arrange a no obligation quote with one of our friendly solar experts. We look forward to helping you go off grid!

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